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" she told me. 5 years gone down the hole. I tried to get her back but she said no. I went to start my car before going to work and it wouldn't turn over. I couldn't take care of it right off the bat so I had to get a cab. As if that wasn't bad enough I worked a full shift at the restaurant took care of several regular customers who always requested me, but still got fired because other co-workers complained about me making things up that I couldn't prove otherwise.As I was leaving my regular. Why not a diaphragm?" They're messy and inconvenient. No dear, she's already told me, she's going to abide by their wishes. There's not going to be any protection used. Either by her or them. She feels she owes it to them to do as they desire." Them! What about me?" Norman, remember I said you may have to put up with some humiliation because you're marrying a slut. And you know over the last few weeks I've tried to condition you to be the perfect husband for such an arrangement for the woman. I wanted inside Michelle's mind. What must she be thinkingabout that trip? What were her feelings about her dad? What the fuck was a dad, anyways?People hurt you. Parents hurt you without even meaning to, whiletrying to help you. Everyone was kind of selfish in a way. I wassuper-selfish. More and more I did whatever the fuck I wanted. DidMichelle need my help? Could I help her? What was I supposed to sayto her or do?I didn't know. I frowned again and again. I felt mixed up. I. ."You're wet slut, and you were told not to be. For that I'm going give you 10 cracks of my whip. It's going to hurt, but you're going to learn to love it."I bit my lip as he said this and braced myself for the pain that I was going to endure.The first crack hit my body like a bolt of lightening, pain sered through me. I felt my skin burn, and I cried out. "I told you it would hurt, that's what happens if you choose to disobey me you little slut" He landed the second crack as he said this..
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