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Henry was holding abottle of wine. "How are you two doing,?" Roxanne embraced Keisha. Ishook Henry's hand. Then Henry swallowed his daughter into his arms.Roxanne looked at me, smiled and opened her arms. Her embrace was warm,friendly."Please," I said. "Have a seat."Roxanne sat. Henry stood and looked at me suspiciously"So you like a little dark meat?" he finally said."Daddy!" Keisha cried out."Slumming with the darkies?" he said. "Gonna buy you one or two? Youprobably hate our president." Sir.. I saw Sylvia reach between her sister’s legs and I watched as her fingers went in and out, causing Cindy to start rocking back and forth on the fingers. I came first and this time, Sylvia pulled me out of her mouth and pumped most of my loads onto her Alice’s pussy. I was just coming down from my own euphoria when I saw thick fluids squirting out of the older woman lying there near comatose. Some of it landed on both of her daughters. This seemed to trigger something in Cindy, who then clamped. "This guy's cute. This guy is not. This girl's a bitch. Now she's my best friend and now I hate her again." She had decided this had been a waste of time and was wondering what she had expected to find in there in the first place. Bree was just about to close the book and put it back when she saw her name on one of the pages. Part of her wondered if she really wanted to read what her sister wrote about her. It couldn't be good that was for sure. Their relationship had been strained at best for. Bob Pritchert had led this group for over a year. Most of that time had been in the south. But the pressure from the Mexican law had convinced him to return to his original stomping grounds. The Washoe County in northwest Nevada territory. Part of this was because of a green kid that had latched himself onto the gang. He called himself ‘The Washoe Kid.’While not a suspicious man, it had triggered a sense of homesickness in Bob. So, he moved his operations back to the Virginia City, Reno area..
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