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Now being that big the girls in my school couldent take it anywhere the only girl i managed to fit half in was my ex girlfreind and i hurt her man was she real tight. So anyways we got to her class and she always had her door locked so i said great just perfect i double checked by closing it on me fast she said are you stupid you know this door locks when it closes get in here and sit down at your desk. I said "uhhg ok" i sat down and she said ill be right back i have to find sumthing for you. "Sarah Carerra, 'You Can't Hurt Me'!" Katie screamed into the microphoneover the already cheering crowd. I felt a lump form in my throat, choking me. I turned to Emily, shocked.She was smiling and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "Congratulations, Megan," she whispered into my ear. "I knew you could doit!"I nodded, or at least I thought I did, before I turned and made my waydown the aisle toward the stage. The lights seemed too bright. The soundsseemed to be too loud. Time stretched on into. Ted just smiled guiltily, and added that he invited her for dinner.Sophie knew she was the only line of defense for those horny kids, and she hung near like glue, until Angelina's mother fetched her around 9PM.Thanks to Sophie, the kids 21 & 14 only played cards, looked longingly at each other, and did some more billing and cooing; but also thanks to Sophie, there was no venting of emotions or sexual tension, even the harmless petting kind, so they went to their separate houses and beds with an. A few years earlier, Oriole fans would have been thrilled.But not George Steinbrenner.The Red Sox had second place all to themselves. Nothing unusual about that, except they had been mathematically eliminated eleven days before the season ended.For us, it had been a great season. I hit 43 homers -- good enough for third-best in the AL. Josh Brennan finished at .401, making him the much-celebrated first man since Ted Williams, in 1941, to hit over .400. Williams had hit .406 that year. Brennan.
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