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It was not that I didn’t appreciate their hospitality but at times like this, I wished for nothing more than some ‘alone time’.With ‘alone time’ in mind, I walked through the front door with the intention of going straight to my room. I began walking up the stairs and whilst loosening the tie from around my neck, my stupor was interrupted by a familiar sound. The only difference was that it was not me making the sound. I crept slowly up the last few steps, sharpening my hearing to enable my. It also said that their ID bands would activate automatically at some stage on the Sunday before that first Monday. Activation would produce a soft high pitched beep that would sound once every thirty seconds until the band was placed and locked in position around either the wrist or the ankle. The beeping would stop once this action was completed. From that moment on the band wearer was free to practice Lifestyle Nudism. Once the seven days was up the band would automatically de-activate the. They do this several times a month. She’s going commando” She laughed out loud. “That’s…weird.” “Want to hear more?” “You can read all of them? Everyone in here?” “Yep.” “Yes, tell more.” She was lit up with excitement. I was the ultimate voyeur and she had an all-access pass. “Some of them…they aren’t so nice.” I cautioned. “One thing I’ve discovered is just how sick people can be.” “Are there people in here like that?” she asked. “A few,” I said. “There seems to always be people like that. ..I’m about 45 minutes away, so you can let DeeDee know...and Gillian, try to be subtle about it....despite Stephen’s tongue pleasuring you as you get your voyeuristic pleasures...[haha].”“Ok....I’ll try. Not promising anything though [haha] See you soon James.”Continuing my drive, which seems to be taking longer and longer...I want to be in the cabin so that we can begin our anticipated and much longed for mind drifts to the images Gillian would be watching right now, with.
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