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Mom and Dad said I couldn’t go to anyone’s house. Gotta get back to my house for the pizza delivery. Thanks!” Sheila turned and walked off the porch.Oscar smiled, shaking his head. At least she seemed pleased at what she saw. Perhaps she would be back over one day. Maybe he could get her to join him in the backyard tomorrow. As he pulled up his pants and turned to go back into the house, he noticed Sheila’s friend join her from the bushes. What are those girls up to? he wondered.As the girls. They are a wealthy family known for their famous jewelry that all the beautiful women wear, and the man behind all of it was Tadakazu Takeda. His son, Kazunari Takeda, is a handsome actor who was featured in commericals for the jewelry, and had a beautiful wife.Her name was Shiori Takeda, and her maiden name was Naoe. She was a geisha and a master of the way of tea, and had a stunning, voluptuous figure. Her breasts were full and firm, topped with bright pink nipples, and had the fairest of. She shrugged and bent down to pickup her new skirt. It was a tiny thing, and skin tight. She felt a sudden pang of embarrassment and wondered if she should be wearing something so indecent. "Nice ass baby," Sarah whistled, "I wish I had a tight little ass like that," as she slapped her own round bottom. Suki blushed a pretty pink and stepped into her skirt. "No no no no no, that skirt is too skin tight for you to be wearing those panties," said Sarah, "you can't wear those, people'll see the. What would you take in trade for it?" The woman asked her."Just this," Danica answered, indicating what she had selected.The woman rummaged around at her feet and produced something, a necklace strung with bits of shell and two odd figurines. "No, please, take these too. Protect you they will from darkness and disease." Thank you," Danica responded as she handed over the bead, accepting the necklace. She slid it around her neck, and liked the way it looked. Danica could sense some sort of magic.
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