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The graceful little dancing girl moved her legs apart and up and a split second later, Marcus slid his bone into her writhing cunt hole. Paulia squealed, “Yes! Yes! Fuck me harder! Harder! Aaaaahhh! Eeeeeee!! Marcus viciously slammed deep inside Paulia with all his strength. Then he pulled out to where just his cock head was inside her wiggling, oozing box. With a ferocious thrust he repeated the piercing of the whimpering young slut. One, two, three, four, five strokes and his cock sent. “We will be leaving today to head to the northern areas to a village where an old friend grew up,” I told her, giving her the name. “We wish to pay respects to the village and any family she has living there.”She smiled and said, “Thank you for telling me. I will be sure to send any information I find there for you to read when you arrive. Have a safe trip and I hope to see you all again when you return.”We thanked her for all of her help and left to return to the stablemaster, so we could. You can see how this kinda fun n’ games would get a woman grinning. Over another few months I continued making passing remarks on the matter, however I continued to receive the same somewhat dismissive response, granted I was not getting frustrated or hateful, just continued to be wanting. It was on a random night while we were in bed watching random programming that ‘Joe’ revisited our relationship. My head rested across his chest while he sat laid with pillows supporting his back. Perhaps it. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her and she became the woman in my fantasies at night. There were other beautiful, sexy female students, but for some reason, I was drawn to her. I wanted to know her name, to stand close and feel her next to me. I was much too shy to go up and talk to her, but started finding tables closer to where she was sitting, hoping by some miracle, we would meet and my fantasies would miraculously come true, but it never happened until one night, a month or so later. It.
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