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This is leading me down a path that could be very dangerous! Of course, that taboo feeling was also terribly exciting and intoxicating! Very much like a drug would be I imagine. I said to Susie and Bobby, look kids, you have to promise me that you will NEVER say a word about this to anyone, do you understand? They both nodded solemnly. I could just imagine the police breaking down my door in the middle of the night and hauling my sorry ass away. But still, they were so cute, and Susie was so. MikeyDavids would sit with us at lunch time because he smelled like wet dogand nobody else would talk to him.We were the lowest of the low.Social outcasts.Those two didn't seem to mind much. They swapped sandwiches at lunch,argued about WWF and ate bags of pickled onion Space Invaders that lefttheir blazers crusted with yellow corn dust. I often flicked my hair outof my eyes and glared at them for being so lame. I couldn't exactly talkthough.I sat out of every PE lesson, forging notes,. The hot head of your cock brushes the folds of my drenched sex as you lean in to kiss the pain away, and my hips strive to move against you within the confines of my ties. you slowly push in, fighting the orgasm tightened pussy walls and i moan softly, part pain at the intrusion, mostly pleasure at being filled. you go as far as you can, filling me to capacity till i just feel the edge of your balls as they sway an inch away from my body. you pull out and lean in to suckle my nipples as you. He was just getting comfortable. I looked back at him and saw a sizeable bulge in his underpants, but that was just his cock and balls - nothing unusual and nothing to be afraid of.Barry put his guitar down and sat on the floor, cross-legged. His bulge was facing me, like a hilly city at the top of the Hairy Thigh river. Sin City.Do you smoke dope?" Barry asked casually, and when I said yes, he found a bag of grass and rolled a big joint.We listened to music and smoked and drank and eventually.
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