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"My name is DeShaun, and this guy here is Marcus," the guy who first spoke to her said. The driver turned and nodded his head when his name was called. "Hello boys, my name is Michelle," she said, as she settled into the seat. As Marcus drove to their place, DeShaun put his hand on her thigh. Michelle couldn't help but look at DeShaun and her eyes trailed down to his crotch where she saw an enormous bulge forming. He noticed her furtive glances and smiled. "Relax baby... you'll get fed as soon. " Penny shook her head in disbelief that a nineteen year old could still be innocent. "Christian is a neat freak. He was always complaining about me leaving messes. Worst of all – Christian is a morning person. You know how I feel about mornings." Penny nodded again. "I'm not saying Christian was worse than Nicole. I'm sure he wasn't. I'm saying we had some problems. I'm fortunate Damian Thompson and G. J. DeLuca were willing to swap roommates. Damian and I get along great. Apparently G. J. and. She was too busy laughing and having a wonderful time with Rand and his family. Her heart leapt out of her chest when he’d smile at her, whisper something in her ear, or tangle his fingers around hers. He seemed to always be touching her, whether it was run a hand down her arm or twirl a tendril of her hair around his finger. ‘Have I mentioned that your beauty takes my breath away?’ He whispered in her ear, startling her as she was looking at one of his mother’s exquisite paintings. ‘A few. She did not move away. In fact Milena seemed to inch even closer to me. My heart pounded faster, I could barely breath from excitement, and my erect cock was throbbing outrageously. Then her knee came forward against my chair and she raised herself up, pushing her breasts in my face. Her hands cupped and squeezed them together. I was flushed with excitement as I roamed my hands along the top of her sensually soft legs and felt her panties. Her moans let me know that she was as aroused as I was..
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