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She took off her work clothes and put on something she hadnt worn in years. She once again headed towards my room where I was asleep. As she stood in my doorway she looked into the room where I was sleeping; she was wearing black and red lace lingerie that fit her body perfectly bringing out her true perfection. She strode across the room heading towards me, leaning just in front to remove the blanket that covered me. She lightly pulled down my boxers trying not to wake me being as quiet and. Rog opened the bottle and poured two waiting glasses. He offered a toast, "I hope tonight will be a memorable one for the both of us." We stood drinking our wine looking into each other's eyes as if to say, "This evening is just getting started." I had a good idea by now that my final test was to be his bedmate for tonight and the way I felt I was going to pass the test. I knew I had enough to drink that saying no was going to be difficult. Rog said, "Champaign can only be enjoyed to its. The forest supplied us with all the wood we needed and we built a little more each day. I made a stone fireplace so we would have some heat inside in the winter to keep us warm. It was too late to plant a crop so we harvested what we could from the surrounding country side. From the way that she preserved and stored our bounty I could tell she was no stranger to living off the land. Fall was upon us and I shot an elk so we would have meat for the winter. We also found that we could catch fish. Computer tells me that there is no change in the atmosphere and that even though it might have a distinct odor (methane gas) it would have no ill effect on me. Time to find out if I’ve been invited or if I’m a lamb to the slaughter. I place the breathing mask on my face and step out of my ship, I can feel the difference in the gravity and there is a very slight odor in the ‘air’ but nothing unpleasant. I start walking the approx. 1 kilometer to the anomaly all the while sending readings back.
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