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Once the digging was completed, all of us got into the truck and drove to the outcrop of boulders. This was the first time that either of the women had driven in the truck, and they were so excited, even though we were crawling along in second gear Jane was amazed at the speed we were travelling. Once we got to the spot where the boulders were, we pitched in and loaded the back of the truck with boulders as square as possible, and as heavy as we could lift. We also saw there were many flattish. They started walking his hand went down into her bra and pinched her nipple, well he asked. They came to a big tree and he pushed her against it. He pulled at her bra and bent down and bit her nipple, she shuddered, how could she lose her virginity to this man.. he ripped of the remains of her panties and bent down and started to lick her sweet young cunt, it felt good and she squirmed in pleasure, he place 2 fingers into her and fingered her expertly , she had never been tongued and fingered,. And down her pubic mound... as I kissed the insides of her legs, I could feel she was soaked.. Even though she liked to be in control, I always liked to tease her... So I ran my tongue across the insides of her legs.. down the sides of her pussy and barely inside of it... she was so wet and tasted so good her scent was intoxicating... I couldn't help it but to plunge my tongue as deep as I could inside her and lap up everything she had made for me... In the midst of it all she whispered that. The whole couch to spread out on. The large pizza all to myself. A 6 pack that would last 2 weeks, not 4 hours.Now, this upstart of a woman; this invader of my loneliness, this shatterer of my routine proposed I do something. With HER. My mind almost couldn't handle the possibilities. Or, for that matter, her motivation. I was a selfish, self centered, egotistical, loner who liked to get his way. People did what I told them to or I whined till they did. And this upstart broke that routine. She.
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