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Their technology, at its peak, had been stunning. Humans, being the thinkerers that they are, managed to reverse-engineer a lot of their technology. One results, in particular, had an enormous impact - the technology to digitize a consciousness. Soon, all humans were upgraded with a "stack" at the base of their neck - an amazing quantum computer that became the new seat of an individuals consciousness. No longer where they bound to their bodies - a stack could be surgically removed and. He was actually going with his daughter and her husband over to Germany to meet up with Rob, his grandson. He was so excited.Before he left he took a picture of me. I asked him what for and he said he wanted to show it to Rob. I have to admit I was a bit embarrassed but it did make me feel good. He kept a picture of Rob on his nightstand and I do have to say he was a hunk in his uniform.When Ben returned from Germany he was so happy. He even bought me and the other center help gifts from. " Corey to make you feel better, you really haven't missed a whole lot sofar," I stated with Kris and Colt walking up."Killer party, huh?" Colt shouted."I guess if you're drinking it is," Corey replied.Colt evidentially was well on his way to being drunk. He threw his armaround Corey's broad shoulders. "Matt, when are you two hooking back up?Corey's really a good guy." Drop it, Colt," Kris said. "I don't ever see that day."I turned and walked away. My next mission was to find a bathroom.. The doctor bless her heart is an exuberant person by nature. She said something really loud. I about came unglued and said “DON’T DO THAT!”. I startled everyone including myself as it jumped right out of my mouth. I apologized and explained my situation. So it looks like I get to carry my sensory equipment everywhere now.An unexpected thing is that during an anxiety episode heavy metal or tribal music is soothing in an unusual way. When I say heavy metal I mean death metal, the fringe type of.
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