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I walked the short distance to granny Caroline's house and let myself in with the key we had.'its only me' I called thro.'im in the living room' granny Caroline shouted back.I took my shoes off and walked thro into the living room and granny Caroline was sat in her chair.' Caroline, I have been waiting to see you so bad' I said.'Oh have you now' Caroline giggled'I wonder why that is?'.I went over to Granny Caroline's chair and she sat forward.Caroline wasted no time and unzipped my trousers and. Barely a minute had passed when the portal appeared. The furniture was moved first by the crew and put on the deck of our ship. When there was room, the larger pieces were moved into position and pulled and pushed through. The medallions' use was all second nature now.We had finished cleaning out the room and even removed what luggage that was now surplus from the ladies hands. Empty chests came back along with the remainder of the money I owed in silver and gold.The man came back but didn't. I stooped and looked inside, reaching to the back and moving things around to find something edible to eat, ‘Put your knickers on M’, my brother said somewhat loudly, but I ignored him as I found some yogurt and reached in and took it out.Closing the door with teenage angst I turned and told him to shut up, not in the slightest perturbed I had just indecently exposed myself to him, as I bent low and forward, you see I sleep in the nude, and this morning I just put on a T-shirt, prior to walking. ‘NO!’ Cien screamed and rushed at Alex. But he stopped. His sudden stop made Cien stop and stare at his cousin. He stood slowly and turned to Cien. An arrow stuck out from his chest. Somewhere in the crowd a woman screamed. Her scream was followed by others. Alex dropped to the ground in front of Cien, staring down at the thing in his chest, almost as if he couldn’t believe it was stuck in his chest. Maybe he couldn’t believe it. Cien looked up at Regan in disbelief. For a split second he.
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