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Dirk propelled me through the door of the salon in the strip mall. It was really busy. He indicated a row of chairs by the front window for me to sit on and went up to the Spanish looking lady standing by the reception counter. I sat down with my heart pumping as my senses were overloaded by all the sights sounds and smells of this woman only blue collar salon. This was to hairdressing what McDonalds was to fast food. There must have been twenty women in various stages of getting their hair. Practice on Tuesday at 5:00." Boy, I can't believe how muddy we got. I don't think I have ever been this muddy after a game," said Dave."Normally, the field wouldn't get this muddy, but the last few days, it has rained a lot, so the ground had a lot of water in it. That is why it got so muddy so quickly," said Ken. "I kind of liked all the mud. It was fun to get all muddy."Dave thought about it for a second and agreed with Ken. "Yah, me too."The two boys walked into the field house and went to. ‘I’m 31. I lost a decade in a Paris prison. It’s a long story.’ ‘We’ve got time,’ Hanna insisted. Elan put her hand on Zac’s wrist and came to his defense. ‘It’s actually a bit romantic if you hear the whole story.’ She turned to her husband, ‘Tell them everything, especially how we met.’ ‘OK,’ Zac sighed. ‘I was 18 and participating in an anti-Israel protest on the edge of Paris. I got swept up in the fever and torched a small business. The police arrested me. Then the judge sentenced me to 9. Being it that I had no door on my room, and the bathroom door was right next to mine, I should of known better. But, I figured if anyone got up and walked down the hall, I would hear them(since we had wooden floors that creaked and groaned with every step!), I was naked, stroking my cock while leafing thru a Penthouse, my dick throbbing and sticking straight up, glistening with my spit, fondling my balls and edging toward a magnificent explosion. I needed to cum badly! That's when I heard.
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