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When she touched her wine stained finger to my lip, my tongue darted out for a taste. I don't think I could've stopped myself if I had wanted to. She did it again. Again I tasted. When she took her finger and ran it across her lips, I felt an intense rush of heat through my pussy. I bent over to run my tongue across her bottom lip and then suddenly unsure, I pulled back.She wasn't suffering from the same insecurity that I was. Ava had been hoping for this. She ran her hands through my hair and. Pretty brown eyes, long legs, perfect ass. She was tall, 5'9 or so, about 145. Small, but perky tits. Most of all he was attracted to her outgoing, sexual, flirtatious, attention grabbing personality.He was 6'1, 200, with short light hair.When she arrived that Saturday, he was happy to see that her hair was up in two pony tails. Her ass was looking better than ever in snug jeans, and her bubbly personality immediately lit up the room. As she greeted her friend, she made eye contact with Danny.. When we were alone."No I wish it was mine. "I said not thinking straight."I don't think John or Joan would be happy with that idea. But I think I know what you mean" she said with a smile and a little peck on the cheek."Our friendship became even closer and it was about the end of September that one night we all went to the local inn for a meal and a drink. It was in one of those darkened dining areas and Linda was sat next to me with our backs to the wall. John and Joan were sat opposite. I. Cloe was nowhere in sight, and when she asked if he knew where her friend was, he explained that she had gone out for a break as well, and they should all go out to join her, she checked her phone for messages, and finding none, decided it was a good idea to go outside with them. The feelings of her orgasm were still there, and these guys were treating her very nicely, so she felt safe and at the same time excited to see where all this attention could lead. While they were making their way.
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