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He knew it was the penis.His curiousity made him unzip and pull the shorts down.He saw something that he had never seen.His penis was growing and throbbing.He liked the head.It was a beautiful pink bulb.His head was filled with thoughts of his mother scrubbing it every morning.He tried to rub it along its length.He was masturbating.He could not breathe.He took a deep breath and pulled his hand away.It ended there,and he moved his attention to his homework.His mother was a satisfied. In a tight, dark blue T shirt and jeans, she had exactly the same, compact profusion of curves Mace had always known. The shirt turned her heavy breasts into a statement of offhand excess. Taking a sidelong glance at the vicious stretch of her V neck under their weight, he lifted his eyes to her face before she caught him gazing, only to realize she already had. He watched her mouth, hoping she’d say something soon so he could watch her lips move. It was something he’d done back then, before. It was Friday and I was looking forward to the weekend. Ann was traveling with her father to visit her grandmother. I would be running around with friends or working while she was gone. As I entered the classroom for study period, I was handed a note to report to the principal’s office. This is never a good sign.When I showed the secretary the note, she ushered me into the principal’s office and closed the door. Mrs. M arrived shortly afterward. She sat down at her desk and asked if I knew why. While she was sucking his black dick, I moved closer to her and began to kiss her when she'd take his dick out of her mouth! Shocked, she asked me what the fuck I was doing and I told her, I wanted some of that dick too at which the old man replied that he'd been to "those" kind of parties too so he didn't mind getting his black dick sucked by a white man! I began to worship his lovely manhood with my lips and tongue and much to my surprise the woman got up from the bed and was out the door in.
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