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"Your father has been wanting to visit you anyway darling. Show him the spots, okay." She had driven out to the airport in her new Ferrari, and when he saw it, he grinned and kissed her cheek. "Pretty exciting, huh princess."Gene Brooks had been in the army, Special Forces, Lisa thought. At fifty, he was lean and fit, with hints of grey in his hair, but still handsome. Mom had always been her confidant. Dad had been her idol, her ideal man. She felt a spark of excitement when he kissed her. She. We seemed to be drifting apart, little by little, day by day. It made me sad. I was about to turn twenty-eight and we had not yet agreed to start a family, and I wondered if we ever would.I had been working steadily on my translations, but I had curtailed my night work to give myself more time with Judy. Even if it was just to watch television together, I felt it was necessary for me to try and reconnect with her. On top of that, I was contributing between eight hundred and a thousand dollars. That fantasy would sometimes help me to block out the sounds and pain of the spanking - or at least most of it.And later, in the deepest part of the night, when the spanking was long over and everyone else was asleep, I would turn over on my tummy, put my hands down there, and I would think more thoughts about my mythical older brother - decadent thoughts - thoughts about the meaning of the "anything" that I would do for him.In those early morning hours, when my eyes were closed and my hands. A little old man was behind the counter."Hi, my names Lois Kubik. I stopped in to see about that help wanted sign you have in the window. Are you still looking for someone?"He motioned for me to have a seat at a table, then he wiped his hands off and joined me. The owner of the shop was Raj Lhamphur. He was an older man who had moved to this country from India just one year ago. He told me he was looking to hire a younger girl so the black guys hanging out on the corner would come into the shop.
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