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"I've been wanting to do this for so long," he tells me in a voice that's hardly more than a whisper. "I just couldn't take it anymore tonight, and I had to try." Try?" I repeat. I'm confused. He's been wanting to do this?"I didn't know if you'd let me do it for real," he explains while he flattens his right hand against my pants and slides it up and down along the swelling. "I thought maybe you were just playing."Now I'm stunned. I almost laugh, but I kind-of want to scream, too. This is so. I could hear them all in the shower stall laughing and cutting up with each other so I peeked around the corner and started watching them in there. What I didn't notice was that a couple of the guys were behind me and they caught me looking at the naked guys. I was embarressed to say the least and I couldn't even get any words out so I started to walk away when one of the guys grabbed my arm and dragged me into to the shower stall. I stood there like a fool while all the guys looked at me and. When she stripped on the tape, I saw that she had a shaved pussy, which turned me on like crazy. At this point he stopped the tape and said" I hope what you see from here on won't affect our friendship.", and restarted the tape. About 20 minutes into the tape, I was getting real horny, as my ex, and I hadn't fucked for 2 weeks before I broke it off withnher. I was watching a threesome tape of him, his wife, and another guy. Next thing I sw, was him , and the other guy, giving each other. I whimpered and whine '...let me suck you...fuck me...please, don't do me like this...". They ignored my request and continued to have their pleasure and way with my body, all I could do was to submit...and await what ever they had in store for me... Lips and tongue found my stomach and navel and kissed/sucked gently, teeth bit gently and lips sucked my nubile flesh. I moaned and whined as I became lost in abandoned lust. My nipples were tormented with endless nips sucks and kisses, my penis.
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